The String of Pearls
From the time of the Galwan Valley incident to now, the approach of India towards geopolitics has changed drastically. On the other side of the string, China has taken numerous steps which can be threatening to India. Countering these measures posed a challenge for India and also was a need of the hour. China is following a dangerous strategy, which is often termed as THE STRING OF PEARLS STRATEGY by various strategists. In this post, we will get to know the details about this strategy, learn its consequences that may affect India and also acknowledge the steps taken by the Indian Government to counter these measures.
What Do We Understand by the Term String of Pearls?
In general terms, the string of pearls is a flowering plant, which appears as a string linking several points. The same picture came in the string of pearls strategy. This is a network of Chinese military and commercial facilities and relationships among the sea lines of communication. The Chinese String of pearls includes several chokepoints such as the Strait of Mandeb, Strait of Malacca, Strait of Hormuz and the Lombok Strait. This string of pearls encircle the Indian mainland and threatens our security, trade and potentially territorial integrity. The emergence of the String of Pearls is indicative of China's growing geopolitical influence through concerted efforts to increase access to ports and airfields, expand and modernise military forces, and foster stronger diplomatic relationships with trading partners. Although, the Communist Party of China, claimed that its string of pearls is entirely based on trade interest and will not arise any hegemony. But recent affairs indicate that there are security dilemmas. So let's visit each of the countries in which the Chinese military have shown movement.
1) Djibouti (Horn Africa)-
Chinese military movements are consistent in Djibouti. In fact, Djibouti's economy is based on giving military bases to other countries like China, France, United States of America. Most of the other countries bases are present to counter the Somalian Pirates issue. Djibouti has very strategic importance as it is situated in the Gulf of Aden and Red sea and also guards the Suez Canal. In the year 2017, China built its first military base in Djibouti. Chinese presence is in Western Djibouti in Doraleh Multipurpose port. It is often alleged that China is using its debt-trap policy to make its presence in other African countries. According to a report by the Centre of Strategic and International Studies, China is involved in 46 ports in the Sub Saharan region in one way or the other. These ports align with China's military and political interests. Chinese movements were also observed in Port Sudan in Sudan, Massawa port in Eriteria, Lamu Port of Kenya, Mombasa port in Kenya, Dar es Salaam port in Tanzania, Marhubi and Mtwara port in Tanzania.
2) The Middle East-
China has also shown interest in the Middle East region. It also includes an important chokepoint of the Strait of Hormuz. Chinese presence is seen in Duqm port in Oman. China is going to invest $10.7 Billion. China also signed deals with Yemen in 2012 & 13 including China National Corporation for Overseas Economic Cooperation which promised an investment of 3 natural gas-fired power plants and 2 ports at Aden & Mokha worth $508 million. Apart from this, China has also shown interest in Iran. The United States of America had made many nuclear sanctions on Iran. To which China has promised a $400 billion investment in the next 25 years. All these things will give a major boost to China in the Middle East region.
3) Pakistan-
Pakistan has been an arch-enemy of India. Its closeness towards China adds more threat towards India. The biggest threat in the string of pearls in Pakistan is Gwadar Port. This port is located in the Baluchistan province of Pakistan and is much close to the Indian Chabahar investment in Iran. China has taken the construction rights of Gwadar Port for 40 years. This Gwadar Port is seen as a crucial link between the ambitious Chinese Belt and Road initiative and the Chinese maritime silk route. Another major concern for India in Pakistan is the China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC). It is a major route starting from the Xinjiang province of China to Gwadar Port of Pakistan. The most controversial issue of this project is that it passes through the Gilgit - Baltistan area which is in the conflict Pakistan occupied Kashmir (POK) region. No doubt this project will give China direct access to Pakistan and also will boost its presence in the state of Pakistan. The SIPRI report underscores that China is Pakistan's largest arm partner country. The arms import of Pakistan from China has risen from 58.42% in 2009-18 to 69.12% in 2014-18. This clearly indicates that China is easily attracting Pakistan towards its geopolitical interests and much more precisely the String of Pearls strategy.
4) The Maldives-
Chinese presence is also alleged in the Southern neighbouring state of Maldives. The Asian Maritime Transparency report alleged that the Chinese government presence in the Maldives ports is shown for years. It all started with the former Maldivian President Abdulla Yameen. The advent of the pro-China Maldivian President Abdulla Yameen at the helm was worrisome for India. During his reign, Maldives also underwent a political crisis. Chinese movement was seen in the major ports of Feydhoo Finolhu, Kunaavashi and Hulumalé. But later Abdulla Yameen was jailed. At the present time, it can be said that the Maldives is much closer to India. With Ibrahim Mohamed Solih returning to power, its interests were attracted towards India which resulted in the distancing from China. The stabilisation of Maldivian politics is a sigh of relief for India.
5) Sri Lanka-
Very often Sri Lanka is used as an example for the Chinese debt trap diplomacy which is indeed correct. The Chinese debt trap resulted in Sri Lanka losing its port of Hambantota. China has taken the Hambantota port for lease for 99 years! Various reports indicate that China is also going to establish its presence in the Sri Lankan capital Colombo. To its addition, China is also working on two hybrid renewable energy plants in the Sri Lankan islands of Nainativu and Analaitivu which are very close to the Indian mainland. Various strategists say that these projects can be a part of the Chinese debt trap which again will pose a serious threat to India.
6) Bangladesh-
Chinese presence in Bangladesh started when Chinese companies purchased three natural gas fields in Bangladesh. China is also giving debt to Bangladesh to lay down a 220km long pipeline for importing oil to the Chittagong refinery. To this, Bangladesh gave the Chinese government access to two of its largest ports which are Chittagong port and Mongla port. China is also offering a deal that will give the Chinese government a contract to erect an embankment for the management of the waters of the Teesta River. Teesta River has been a major conflicting issue for Bangladesh and India. 85% financing of these embankments is proposed by China. China is also showing interest in building railway projects from Dhaka to Chittagong port. Heavy debts are to be given to Bangladesh for these projects.
7) Myanmar-
The greatest asset of China in Myanmar is the Great Coco Island. It is located in the Bay of Bengal around 300km off the Myanmar coast. It is very close to the Andaman & Nicobar Islands. Now, this Coco Island is a bit controversial and its history is even more. This Coco Island previously was a part of India! But our former Prime minister gifted this Coco Island to Myanmar which in turn leased this island to China in 1994. It is said that the Britishers persuaded Nehru to gift this island which Jawarharlal Nehru considered nothing but a piece of barren land. This gifting of Coco Island is considered the biggest strategic blunder of India. China has installed its largest electrical intelligence in Coco Island. With this, through the relatively close proximity distance towards India, China can easily spy on three of India's biggest strategic locations which are Chandipur, Vishakhapatnam and Sri Harikota. Chandipur in Odisha is the missile testing range of DRDO and most of the missile testing are done in this area. Vishakhapatnam port is a major port in India and also a Centre of shipbuilding. And Sri Harikota is the launching pad of ISRO. With the help of its largest electrical intelligence centre, China can easily spy on this area of India. The Chinese military is also building a military base in the Alexander Channel in the north of Coco Island which is a serious problem for India. The most worrisome project for India is the Chinese presence at Kyaukpyu port in Myanmar in 2020. China has invested a lot and a 2400 km gas pipeline connecting Kyaukyu and Kunming is an example of it. The Chinese veto in the United Nations security council (UNSC) on the recent military could in Myanmar indicates that China is seeing Myanmar from a strategic angle.
8) Nepal-
With the coming of the pro-China prime minister, K.P Sharma Oli Indian ties with Nepal were bittered a little. K.P Oli is from the Communist Party of Nepal and has more inclination towards communalism thus towards China. K.P Oli has encouraged Chinese investment in Nepal to reduce its dependency on India. China is going to build a strategic line that will start from Lhasa in Tibet to Lumbini in Nepal which is in very close proximity with India. Furthermore, the Chinese industrial path is also planned in the Jhapa district of Nepal. But the outrage of the civilians of Nepal against K.P Sharma Oli is in the headlines. It is projected that K.P Oli's government may fall down which will be beneficial for India.
9) Tajikistan-
According to an article by the Washington Post, China has set up a foreign military base in Tajikistan which is just 12km away from the strategic corridor: Wakhan Corridor of Afghanistan. The Wakhan Corridor is a thin strip of Afghan territory sandwiched between Tajikistan and the northernmost part of the Gilgit-Baltistan region of Pakistan-occupied-Kashmir. However, the Indian Foreign base in Farkhor in Tajikistan may help in countering this base. For India and the international community at large, the base is a worrying development, given the ample access it gives the PLA to the all-important Wakhan Corridor.
China's Debt Trap Policy
Now, this may seem to be a fruitful policy as China is giving loans for investment in infrastructure, defence, mining, energy etc. for developmental goals. But it can also be a cause for an economic crisis in the country as it had happened in Sri Lanka in which they were bound to give their Hambantota port. China's Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) has outnumbered the USA and has emerged as a leading lender in the market. But unlike the lendings of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and World Bank, Chinese loans are collateralized by strategically important natural assets, with high long term value even if they lack short term commercial viability. Estimates suggest that China is lending as much as 6% of its GDP. The main problem of this Debt are that these are hidden debts, which mean global banks and institution are unclear about the actual conditions of the debt. The Harvard Business Review estimated that China has lent as much as $1.5 trillion to 150 countries! As a result, the debt of the borrower side is increasing. As per a report of HBR, China has given loans to 50 main developing countries. In 2005 the average stock of debt is the country's 1% of GDP but in 2017 it grew to over 15% of GDP. In some countries, even the debt account for 20% of the respective country's GDP. HBR reveals that 50% of Chinese loans to developing countries are underreported. The Diplomat reported that China's lending between 2008-19 is reported a total of $19.3 billion itself in only the central Asia region. It also indicated that heavry underreporting of debt is also taking place. Heavy debts are given to countries like Tajikistan, Mongolia, the Philippines, Laos, Cambodia in Asia. The Hindu indicated that Sri Lanka owes China $5 billion debt in April 2021 which forced Sri Lanka to give the Hambantota port to China in lease for 99 years! In Pakistan also at the end of 2020, the reported debt was $30 billion. This debt resulted in gaining strategic ports as in Gwadar or Hambantota. Chinese loans in the African continent is also in good numbers. Major countries include Djibouti, Angola, Ethiopia, Zambia, Sudan, etc. It is estimated that China has lent approximately $91.2 billion itself to Africa. Shockingly, 77% of Djibouti's Foreign debt is from China only. The college of William and Mary made a detailed study on Chinese loans and concluded that these are full of secretive clauses. It also has confidentiality clauses that prevent the borrowing country from disclosing the loan amount and its term and conditions. Many informal collateral arrangements are also made which suppress the transparency in transactions.
Through its debt trap policy, China lures the strategically located nations around India to borrow infrastructural loans. Once the nations are indebted, China pressurizes them to support its geostrategic interests.
On connecting the pearls one by one, the picture will take a form like this:
Yes! India is encircled from all sides through the pearls which can cause a serious threat at a time of crisis. The dots are the bases of China and it surrounds India from all sides. It can cut India from all its trade routes and maritime paths and can cause a blockade from help, imports etc. and will isolate us in a corner. This is the String of Pearls.
Steps that have been taken by India
Iron Curtain or Diamond Necklace
India to counter this encirclement has taken many steps and in turn, was successful in many to create another ring which was coined as iron curtain strategy or diamond necklace strategy by strategists.
1) Chabahar Port, Iran-
According to me, the most successful and benefitting agreement done in Iron Curtain is this Chabahar Port deal. In 2016, India signed a deal to build this port. This port is in very close proximity to the Chinese base in Gwadar Port of Pakistan. It will not only help to counter this but will also give India beneficial access into the Central Asian region. Highways and railways from this port are also proposed to the Ring road of Afghanistan made by India and can be extended further into Central Asian countries like Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan etc.
2) Changi Naval Base, Singapore-
In the year 2018, India signed a deal with Singapore and gained access to the Changi Naval Base in Singapore which will provide logistical, refuelling and rearming support to the Navy ships. The most important thing about this base is that it is situated in one of the busiest and important routes: The Malacca Strait. China's largest share of business goes through this route. It is the primary shipping label between the Indian Ocean and the Pacific Ocean.
3) Sabang Port, Indonesia-
In the same year 2018, India got Military access to the Sabang Port of Indonesia. It can be considered a major achievement as it is situated right at the entrance of Malacca Strait. It is also a world-famous choke point. A large chunk of Chinese trade also passes through this region. It will help India to gain an offensive position in the Malacca Strait, Changi Naval Base and Andaman & Nicobar Islands.
4) Duqm Port, Oman-
Again in 2018, India got military access in the Duqm Port of Oman. It will give a major boost to the imports of crude oil from the Persian Gulf. The most fascinating point of this port is its location. It is situated right in the middle of China's two major bases of String of pearls: Gwadar Port in Pakistan and Military base in Djibouti. India can counter any activity of China between these two ports
5) Assumption Island, Seychelles-
In 2015, India and Seychelles agreed upon the development of the naval base in this region. India again got military access to this port. It is also situated in a busy maritime route and can counter the increasing presence of China in Africa.
6) Andaman & Nicobar Islands-
Andaman and Nicobar Islands is situated at a very strategic location. In fact, it is right at the opening of the Malacca Strait. Naval analyst Zhang Ming proclaimed that the Islands of India’s Andaman and Nicobar Archipelago could be used as a ‘metal chain’ to block Chinese access to the Straits of Malacca.
7) Other Improvements in Bilateral Relation-
Apart from these, India has improved its relationship with other countries surrounding China. Recent investments from Taiwan shows the interest of India in Taiwan. India-Bangladesh is also likely to develop deep-sea military infrastructure in Sonadia. Also, India has signed deals to install 20 Coastline surveillance radar systems along the Coastline of Bangladesh, 10 in the Maldives, 6 in Sri Lanka, 8 in Mauritius and 1 in Seychelles. These radars will relay live images, videos, location information of Ships moving in the Indian Ocean Region. French Pacts and deals like COMCASA and LEMOA, Indian naval ships can now berth, undergo repairs, refuel and use other facilities at the American naval bases at Cape Lemmonier (at Djibouti in the ‘Horn of Africa’), Diego Garcia and Subic Bay, Philippines and French naval base in the Reunion Islands. In 2016, Former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe launched 'Expanded Partnership for Quality Infrastructure (EPQI) for countering China's Belt and Road initiative (BRI). India also convinced Japan to enter Asia Africa Growth Corridor (AAGC) as an alternative to the Chinese maritime silk route. In this project, the Jamnagar Port, Madurai Port and Kolkata port will be connected to the ports of Djibouti, Mombasa and Zanzibar. Furthermore, Mongolia and India will be developing a bilateral air corridor using India's credit line which will be very close to China. Close relations with Vietnam has also been maintained and so far deals selling Brahmos missile and patrol boats to Vietnam is also made. We are also getting a good response from the central Asia region on doubling the trade.

On connecting the dots as we did in the String of pearls we can again see that a counter encirclement has been done all around China which can equivalently counter the Chinese pearls. We can say that India has made many advancements to counter these pearls and subsequently was successful in a counter encirclement plan.
China’s bullying tactics are currently on their way amid the era of pandemics not only in lands but also in international waters as well. Blocking trade routes and Chinese control over strategic ports is something that India fears. A justified fear without any doubt. India does not have the resources or the deep pockets to buy off countries that China does. Hence, it has evolved a counter-strategy of signing deals with other countries to gain access to ports and naval facilities of those countries, which till now is fruitful for India. Till now, according to me India's approach towards this issue is positive and is expected to be as aggressive as it seems to be. India's every step towards this issue has been very impactful and in future, we can predict that it will be even more beneficial both strategically but also economically. But improvements can be done to rectify the loopholes in the Iron Curtain. India also needs to put its strategically located in Andaman & Nicobar Islands to optimum use. India needs to engage itself more with the informal ‘Quadrilateral Security Dialogue (or the ‘Quad) featuring the US, India, Australia and Japan. ASEAN countries can also be beneficial for India. Connecting these ASEAN countries with the North-Eastern part of India can not only improve the strategic position but can also boost the development of the North-Eastern region. Both the countries are aggressing towards a strategic encirclement and whose will be more aggressive, can be told by none but time.
In the end, 'Enjoy Reading!'
-Dibyaansh Pradhan
(Disclaimer- We are not trying to spread hate against a particular country or a political group. We don't mean to offend anyone in any way. If we did or you think that we went wrong somewhere, the comment section is always open to all.)
Beautifully written!
DeleteGreat research work. The pin-point precision of the facts is quite impressive!!
ReplyDeleteThank you...... Stay tuned for such informative and exciting posts.😃
DeleteVery good 👍 excellent narration n understandable 👌
DeleteVery good Dibyansh... Keep it up
ReplyDeleteAbsolutely sir 😃
DeleteVery Informative
ReplyDeleteAll by your blessings sir🙏
DeleteBro.. what a masterpiece.. you are now forcing me to become your fan
ReplyDeleteThank you so much..... Stay tuned
DeleteGreat work 👍
ReplyDeleteThanks sir/mam
DeleteVery well written!Keep it up.
ReplyDeleteThanks sir... It means a lot